Good Morning,
As far as I know, there have not been any studies done on Avpd, what causes it, and what might cure it. If you look up on the internet on possible cures, all the data you will find will say that same things. Everyone including professionals will tell you that they dont know what causes Avpd and certainly have no idea how to cure it.
Well, to all this I say Poppy Cock!
I am in the process of writing a book on Avpd. I will be exploring these subjects in depth with as much in the way of hard facts as I can. All my energies and research is going into getting my book finished.
The reality is that the professional community is not really interested in figuring out what causes Avpd and what might cure it. Why you might ask. Well, there are several reasons for this. First, those will Avpd are a relatively small minority of the population on the world, though Avpd is on the upswing. It is a bit like those that create viruses for Mac's vs creating them for PC's.
The reason is simple. There are a lot more Pc's out there than Mac's. If you are someone that creates viruses with the intent of causing damage to people's computers. Which would you do? Would you write a virus that effects millions and millions of computers around the world, or one that effects a few hundred thousand?
(I do not know how many PC's there are in the world compares to Mac's, so I am just using millions to hundreds of thousands as a general # for comparison)
If you are a virus writer, or a terrorist, you want to infect the max number of computers that will hurt the max # of people all over the world. That # by far is the PC market. That plus writing viruses for PC's is easy compared to Mac's which are a lot harder to create a god effective virus for.
We can use this very same analogy for money and research for diseases and disorders. If you are a large pharmaceutical company, scientist, other professional that does this kind of research, how are you going to decide what to research?
Are you going to put money and research towards something that seems to effect millions and millions of people and could result in millions and millions of income from the resulting drugs? Or would you put those research dollars toward something that seems to effect only a handful of people (In population terms) and would have a pretty low ROI (Return on Investment) in terms of those that would buy the drugs to supposedly cure the problem?
In case you dont know the answer, I will give it to you. Research and grant money goes towards issues like Cancer and those other diseases and effect millions upon millions of people and will result in millions and millions of dollars in revenue from the drugs that are produced by the research.
Other conditions like Cancer, Alzheimer, Autism, Muscular Dystrophy and such as these get the lions share of research grant money and probably always will. Now I am in no way saying that these are not worthy issues that need research and money thrown at them, so dont hear me wrong. What I am saying is that mental issues like Avpd get little to no money thrown at them and get little to no research done.
The reason is simple. The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
Cancer and these other medical issues are very visible. Those that have them make a lot of noise. They are all over the news, social media and everywhere else you look. People with Avoidance..Avoid, Go figure right?
Also those with Avpd and other mental issues like Depression and such can seem perfectly normal on the outside. Reality is that Avpd and these other are a ticking time bomb, like those terrorist. The difference is that those with mental issues dont want to hurt anyone. But one day, perhaps many years or even decades down the line, we blow up.
Until we blow, we are silent. There are several problems with silence but the main one goes back to my initial point. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Since we are silent, the world thinks there is no problem there, grant money, and no research. So it seems that at least for now, this is up to us.
I am here to tell you that here is a cause for Avpd and these other issues and there is a cure. I am going to have to leave this at that for now. It will be best to cover this where I can do it in depth and do justice to the issue. I will try to post more as days go by, but the bulk of my time as to be spent writing my book. So please stay tuned!
This is my log of my issues with living to Avoidant Personality Disorder. My hope is that in writing this, it will help myself and perhaps others that are also struggling with this disorder and others like it. I am trying to get more information on this disorder so that we can find commonalities. Perhaps if we can learn more about this, we can figure out how to combat it and get better lives for us all.