
Avoidant Personality

Avoidant Personality

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Friday, July 11, 2014

Can an Avoidant be in a successful marriage or relationship?

I hear from Avoidants all over the world. The vast majority of emails that I get are from what I call "Normals" that are struggling to be in a relationship with an Avoidant, or someone that they suspect is an Avoidant. For clarification, a Normal is someone that is not an Avoidant.

For someone that is Normal, trying to be in a relationship with someone that is an Avoidant is beyond hard, and might even seem downright impossible. As Avoidants, we tend to think about ourselves a lot. We have the "Woe is Me" syndrome probably more so than most other aliments.

The problem with being an Avoidant is magnified due to the fact that the issue is in the head. That means that its invisible, unlike other problems that can be seen like Cancer. Of course this does not make Avoidance any less real. But most Normals see Avidants are just needing to Get Over It!

Being an Avoidant is seen as something that we could get over if we really tried. Just like the person that has cancer, its not that easy. A person with Cancer cant just will themselves to not have Cancer. Neither can a person that is an Avoidant just will themselves to quit being an Avoidant.

This is the very first thing that any Normal person in a relationship with an Avoidant must come to terms with. Being an Avoidant is really no different than someone with a physical issue like Cancer. Being an Avoidant is just as real, just as debilitating, just as difficult, and can be just as deadly to a marriage.

My wife is wonderful. She is wise beyond her years and very understanding. She was sent her on this earth to be my mate and look out after me. Of course, God is the one that saved our marriage. But my wife is the one that had to listen to him and understand what he was trying to tell her about Avoidants and about me.

As a Normal, my wife has a huge challenge. She tries as best she can to understand me and Get it. My wife is a Christian as am I. One day when she was at her wits end because I was being a difficult Avoidant, she turned to God. She prayed and God gave her understanding, and empathy. I cant say that she completely understands, but she tries really hard.

If it had not been for this, I am pretty sure that we would not be together today. The other thing that saved our marriage was Vitamins. I know that might sound a bit simple, but it worked for us. We looked for a long time to find something that worked.

Before, I was not nice, to put it nicely. I was a down right Jerk to my wife. I tried acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and many other things in an effort to find one that would help. I have a poor diet. I dont eat vegetables and little to no fruit. I am mostly a meat and potatoes kind of guy.

I have always thought that the lack of proper nutrition might be all, or at least part, of the problem. Weather it was a cause of the Avoidance, I had no clue, but I was willing to try most anything. My wife used to take a vitamin called Advocare. No I want to say right up front that I do not sell Advocare, nor am I saying that Advocare cures Avoidance.

All I am saying is that it worked for me. Its quite possible that there are other vitamins out there that also might be effective. What I can say for sure is that when I do not take my vitamins, I fell awful the way I used to back when I was a Jerk.

I tend to live by the saying that if it aint broke, dont fix it. These vitamins work for me. I spent a long long time looking for something that did. I have seen some research that suggest that depression, and other such issues might be helped by certain nutrients.

I think it quite possible that there is a certain element, or nutrient that is lacking in the body or brain that is either causing Avoidants or at least making it worse. So to anyone out there that is in a relationship with an Avoidant, or someone you think might be an Avoidant, dont give up!

If you are a Christian, pray and ask God for help.
If you are not a Christian, pray and ask God for help.
Try to understand that person that you are with and why they struggle and act like they do
Try to find out if that person has a good diet. Weather they have a good diet, or not, consider giving them a good quality vitamin supplement.

If you have a story that you would like to share with me and/or others, please send it to

This is my log of my issues with living to Avoidant Personality Disorder. My hope is that in writing this, it will help myself and perhaps others that are also struggling with this disorder and others like it. I am trying to get more information on this disorder so that we can find commonalities. Perhaps if we can learn more about this, we can figure out how to combat it and get better lives for us all.

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