
Avoidant Personality

Avoidant Personality

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Avoidant Talk tonight on Needs Met

Hello Everyone

I know that I promoted that I was going to have an Avoidant talk on my radio show Keeping it Real tonight. Well, I need a bit more time to prepare for this. So the show is being postponed until October 9th 2013. Even if you are not able to listen to the live broadcast, it will be available for you to listen to as an archived version.

But Id love to see many Avoidants, those that think they might be Avoidants and others with similar issues come to the live service. Im not sure exactly how it will go. I plan on talking specifically about Avoidants and devoting the service to us.

We are doing this because us Avoidants dont get much in the way of visibility, healing, or hope. There is very very little out there on Avidants that is being done by someone that is actually an Avoidant. I want to shine light on this issues and tell the Church and the world that we are people to.

We need to be understood. We need to be recognized. We need to be healed to.

Please take the survey and pass it on to others as well. God wants to heal you. But he is not going to do this if you dont ask.

This is my log of my issues with living to Avoidant Personality Disorder. My hope is that in writing this, it will help myself and perhaps others that are also struggling with this disorder and others like it. I am trying to get more information on this disorder so that we can find commonalities. Perhaps if we can learn more about this, we can figure out how to combat it and get better lives for us all.

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